Exports & future prospects
The last day at the Workshop & Seminar Stage was equally intense as the previous ones. Financing opportunities for export businesses have been the subject of the speech given by Takis Solomos (Founding Partner First Athens S.A.), followed by a special section on export marketing in practice. In this context, Efthymios Stigas (International Marketing Consultant DK Marketing) examined the effective follow up process and explained how to create presentations in order to reach potential customers abroad.
Panayotis Milis (Operations Manager DK Marketing) talked about the parameters one must pay attention to in order to successfully design a product, ready to travel to international markets.
Left: Stigkas Efthimios during his speech at the conference on export marketing, Right: Mylis Panagiotis in his presentation for the successful product design for international markets
The section was completed with a presentation on 2019 consumer trends in Europe, Asia and America by Sophia Markaki (Export Marketing Consultant DK marketing).
The final presentation at the stage, was by the “Brigade” initiative, consisting of chefs and official bodies, producers and others engaged in Greek food, discussing the future of Greek gastronomy and how it can be redefined.