The latest developments in Food & Beverage technology!
The Hellenic Association of Food Scientists & Technologists, during FOOD EXPO 2021, will organize a workshop on “pure label” and sustainable development.
The global nutritional trends that lead to the need for a “pure label” concerning the food and beverage products and sustainable development are the two main topics that will be analyzed during the workshops organized by HEL.A.F.S.T. What pure label means? How the modern nutritional needs of the consumers redefine the production and packaging of the products? To what extent have the modern consumer’s eating habits influenced the food and beverage industries? At the specially designed Workshops & Seminars Stage in Hall 2, interesting presentations and seminars by experts of the market, experienced academics and institutional representatives, about all the above topics, will take place. At the same event, the topic of sustainable development will also be discussed. The speakers they will try to analyze through their presentations the framework of the sustainable development and what does that mean for the food and beverage companies, which are reviewing their organizational structures and strategies.