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We celebrated 10 years of success!

On the occasion of the 10-year anniversary of FOOD EXPO, FORUM S.A. – member of NürnbergMesse Group, held a celebratory anniversary event on the first exhibition day. 

From the first event in 2014 until today, FOOD EXPO looks back on the successful ten-year journey – during which the exhibition won the title of the Largest International Food & Beverage Exhibition in Southeast Europe.  

Thanassis Panagoulias

Paving the way for fine Greek products to “travel” around the world: dozens of F&B professionals who visited the trade fair as well as journalists, representatives from institutional F&B bodies and exhibitors were part of the exhibition trough time. During this period many unique contacts and collaborations were formed. To look back on these memories, Mr. Thanasis Panagoulias, President & CEO of FORUM S.A., gave a review of the history of the event. Moreover, he thanked the entire FORUM team for their contribution to the success of the growing exhibition – as well as the exhibitors who have shown their trust and support by participating in the event over the years. 

Afterwards, an award ceremony took place, awarding the companies that have been participating in FOOD EXPO since 2014:  

Specifically, the people awarded were:  

  • Mr. Stylianidis Stavros Owner of the company Amvrosia Gourmet-Stylianidis P. & Co. Oveet 
  • Mr. Christos Moraitis President & Founder of the company CONDITO SA 
  • Mr. Panagotas Antonis Founder & CEO of the company Isostevia OE 
  • Mr. Alexandros Alexakis Sales Manager of the company MELISSI & CO – LADOLEA 
  • Mr. Koutsoulis Nikolaos Owner of the company NATURALS IKE 
  • Mr. Giorgos Vogiannou, one of the co-owners of the company PROVIL SA 
  • Mr. Stratidakis Leonidas CEO of the company BIO HYGEIA SA 
  • Mr. Tziortziotis Chairman & Managing Director of the company VIOLANTA SA 
  • Mr. Vogiatzakis Stamatis Factory Manager of the company BIOHYM SA 
  • Ms. Eleni Paraskevopoulou Marketing Manager of the company GEODI SA 
  • Mr. Dimitris Kapounis President and Director Managing Director of the company EAS NAXOU 
  • Mr. Karalis Spyros Vice President of the company KARALIS SA 
  • Mr. Behlivanidis Ioannis from the Sales Department of the company KATSIFAS G. SA “ALFA” 
  • Ms. Mandreka Violeta Commercial Manager of the company MANDREKAS SA 
  • Mr. Nikos Papafotis Owner of the company MENTIROGLOU GIORGOS “DRYAS GREEK TRUFFLE” 
  • Mr. Balamoutsos Konstantinos General Manager of the company BALAMOUTSOS D. IKE.-BALLY NUTS 
  • Mr. Pavlos Efstathiadis Owner of the company NESTOS ABEE 
  • Mr. Alexandros Mazonakis Perogiannakis s General Director of the company FAMILY RECIPES IKE – DEAR GREECE 
  • Mr. Karamitros Georgios Owner of the company OINOPOIIO KARAMITROU G. & SIA OE 
  • Ms. Pasiopoulou Marialena Head of the Finance Department of the company OMIROS SA 
  • Ms. Alexia Savramis & Mr. Savramis Vassilis Owners of of the company SAVRAMIS B. & SIA EPE 
  • Mr. Nikolaos Siouras Owner of the company SIOURAS AGVE 

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